
String (connection‑name)

Application name


The ConnectionName parameter specifies the TCP/IP address and port number through which your web application communicates to an HTML thin client through the Internet. The format for the parameter is <TCP‑address>:<port‑number> (for example,, which is the same format used in the Connection Name text box on the Web Options sheet of the Define Application dialog.

If you have more than one application with the same name, specify a unique name to identify the connection. The connection name can include any character or number in the ranges A through Z, a through z, or 0 through 9. The first character must be uppercase.

If you want to define multiple applications with different connection names in the same Jade initialization file, prefix the ConnectionName parameter with the name of your application followed by an underscore character (_); for example, BargainBinWebService_ConnectionName.



For details about specifying HTML thin client options in the Jade Platform development environment or obtaining the IP address, see "Specifying Your HTML Thin Client Access Options", in Chapter 1 of the Web Application Guide.